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Viewing File Contents (cat, less, head, tail)

In this lesson, we will learn how to view the contents of files using different Linux commands. Understanding how to view and navigate file contents is an essential skill for any Linux user. The commands we’ll cover are cat, less, head, and tail. These commands allow you to display file contents in various ways, each suited to different use cases.

The cat Command: Concatenate and Display File Contents

The cat (short for "concatenate") command is the most commonly used command to display the contents of a file in the terminal. It is useful for viewing small files or combining the contents of multiple files.

Basic Usage

To display the contents of a file, simply use:

$ cat filename

For example, to view the contents of a file named file1.txt:

$ cat file1.txt

This will output the entire content of file1.txt to the terminal.

Concatenate Multiple Files

You can also concatenate (combine) multiple files into one and display them in sequence:

$ cat file1.txt file2.txt

This will display the contents of file1.txt followed by file2.txt.

Redirect Output to Another File

You can redirect the output of cat to create or overwrite a file:

$ cat file1.txt > newfile.txt

This command will copy the contents of file1.txt into newfile.txt. If newfile.txt already exists, it will be overwritten.

The less Command: View Large Files Page by Page

The less command is used for viewing larger files that may not fit entirely on the screen. It allows you to scroll through the content interactively, one page at a time.

Basic Usage

To view a file with less, simply use:

$ less filename

For Example:

$ less file1.txt

This will open file1.txt in a scrollable interface. You can navigate through the file using the following keys:

  • Arrow keys or j/k to move down/up line by line.
  • Space to move down one page.
  • b to move up one page.
  • q to quit and exit less.

Searching Within the File

To search for a term within the file, press / followed by the search term:


Then, press Enter to search. You can use n to jump to the next match and N to go to the previous match.

The head Command: View the Beginning of a File

The head command is used to view the first few lines of a file. By default, it shows the first 10 lines of the file.

Basic Usage

To view the first 10 lines of a file, use:

$ head filename

For example:

$ head file1.txt

This will display the first 10 lines of file1.txt.

Viewing More or Fewer Lines

You can specify the number of lines to display using the -n option. For instance, to view the first 5 lines:

$ head -n 5 file1.txt > first_five_lines.txt

This command will save the first 5 lines of file1.txt into a new file called first_five_lines.txt.

The tail Command: View the End of a File

The tail command is used to view the last few lines of a file. This is especially useful for monitoring log files or files that are constantly being updated.

Basic Usage

To view the last 10 lines of a file (default behavior), use:

$ tail filename

For example:

$ tail file1.txt

This will display the last 10 lines of file1.txt.

Viewing More or Fewer Lines

To view a different number of lines at the end of the file, use the -n option:

$ tail -n 5 file1.txt

This will display the last 5 lines of file1.txt.

Following a File in Real Time

The -f option allows you to follow the content of a file in real-time, which is useful for monitoring log files that are constantly updated. For example, to follow logfile.log:

$ tail -f logfile.log

This will show the last 10 lines of logfile.log and continue to display new lines as they are added to the file.

Combining Options

You can combine the -n and -f options to view the last few lines and follow the file simultaneously:

$ tail -n 20 -f logfile.log

This will display the last 20 lines of logfile.log and continue to show new lines as they are appended.


In this lesson, we explored four essential commands for viewing file contents in Linux:

  • cat for viewing file contents and concatenating files.
  • less for viewing large files with interactive scrolling.
  • head for viewing the first few lines of a file.
  • tail for viewing the last few lines of a file and monitoring file updates in real-time.

These commands are fundamental for managing and inspecting files in Linux, and you'll use them frequently while working on the command line.